donnarama blog 2I surf boarded on down to The Steamwork’s Bath’s “Tighty Whities Car Wash” as it soaked up Church Street once again this summer, drawing cars and admirers of men in drawers scrubbing away in the famed Steamworks entrance alley way.

Allies and friends for the good cause dawned their tightest whites and showed off their skills and tanned manly hills. The hills were alive with the sound of music courtesy of resident DJ Cesar and the outdoor occasion was a success for the team of gents who lathered and gathered generous funds while toasting their buns in the hot summer sun.

My goodness! I was sweating buckets whilst these hot lads manhandled those spongy bundles. My Jessica Simpson hot pants were giving me the wedgie of death but a bad tuck equals a clean truck. There’s no better way than to spend the early noon than with these hotties in the lagoon raising a dollar or two and it’s a splash of fun every July for the gayborhood. Sponsor’s this year include Cafe California who’s patio crowd got a bird’s eye view of the action and searched the menu for something equally wonderful and delicious. That thing everyone smelled frying was my cheap wig in the sun, sorry folks!blog donnarama 3

The vehicular muscular 8th annual rub down heats up the neighborhood once a year and has featured dudes and dames such as the lovely Nina Arsenault , the Muddy York Rugby Team and other community notables who have donated their time for a few charitable dimes. These hot dudes in underwear have a heart of gold underneath, so far the event has raised just under $40, 000. All proceeds go to  P.W.A. Toronto.

About the Author

The beautiful and legendary Donnarama has graced the stages of T.O with outrageous costumes and comedy skits, and there is never a dull moment! A scene queen and Canadian drag staple, her dedication, pioneering originality and uniqueness have scored her numerous awards, bar titles and visits to therapy. Visit Donnarama on Facebook: