Let’s face it… there’s nothing more that we enjoy that seeing some hot naked selfies… but what if these selfies were for a good cause?
Well, much like the Ice Bucket Challenge took the internet by storm, let’s hope this one takes off too… it would be much better on the eyes.


The #weareALLclean challenge is the brainchild of HIV activist, Jack Mackenroth, who has partnered with Moovz to help raise awareness and funds for finding a cure.

And so far… it’s off to a good start!




“I was inspired by the use of the word ‘clean’, especially common in gay culture, to describe oneself as STI/STD free. Indirectly this implies that HIV-positive people are somehow ‘dirty’”, says Mackenroth. “I thought a PG or PG-13 shower selfie or Vine video would be a fun way that everyone could easily show their support on social media for finding a cure by using the hashtag #weareALLclean when they post their photo with the link. They then nominate 3 other people to participate and hopefully donate to the project as well.”


1) Take a selfie or Vine video of yourself in the shower.** NO EXPLICIT NUDITY**

2) Post your photo now on Moovz and all social media platforms with the caption “Take HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $$ for AIDS cure bit.ly/CUREAIDS #weareALLclean“

3) Nominate 3 or more other people to participate!

4) (Optional) DONATE!! Please consider a small donation if you are able. Every penny counts! bit.ly/CUREAIDS

And if you are wondering if I’ve done mine…

About the Author

Brandon Michael Lee is a Toronto based Award Winning Event Designer, Writer and Filmmaker. He spends his days surrounded by his two dogs, cupcakes and coffee and one day dreams of having a big fat gay wedding. While on the outside, he is a fabulous and stylish gay man… on the inside he is a tool belt wearing, shelf building, Tori Amos listening lesbian. Oh and he loves beards and tattoos. http://www.brandonmichaellee.com http://www.style-me-manly.com