The End of Wonderland follows Tara Emory, a veteran performer who has worked independently in the sex industry since the early 2000s. Facing impending eviction from her massive studio, Wonderland, Tara must confront her family’s past of compulsive hoarders, her art, and herself.


This is a very candid documentary that follows the daily routine of one individual, who just happens to be an eccentric trans artist and filmmaker, that also makes money via online sex portals. We get to see Tara in various states of dress and undress throughout the film, as she and others work to complete a trans-centric film that she’s been working on for many years. Things keep getting delayed, first having to deal with the aftermath of her father’s death, and more recently the prospect of losing her rental home as the owners have decided to sell it. She lives in a small community, and as a deep passion for sports cars, attending local shows and doing all her own repairs. The film is like being able to veer into someone’s personal being to get a better understanding of how we are all different, yet the same, when it comes to getting by in life.

The film is available on iTunesand via the platform.

About the Author

Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.