theBUZZ Features

Welcome to theBUZZ
After a year of planning and months of hard work theBUZZ is finally here! We have been overwhelmed by all the positive feedback we have received by the community. We have been on Facebook and Twitter for the past couple months; to introduce our magazine, and have received so much great feedback it has been incredible.
We had our cover shoot a few weeks ago. Our publisher, Antoine Elhashem, came up with an idea to showcase the diversity of artists in our community. We also wanted a collection of artists that represent for whom we are producing theBUZZ. We went on a search for a range of artists from musicians, dancers, designers, filmmakers and drag queens.
We found so much talent in the community that it was hard to select just a small group but we were so happy to have the following artists on our cover: Kate Johnston, Charlie Andrews, Boyd Kodak, Steven Joseph, Niamh Malcolm, Glenn Dixon, David Dixon, Shannon McDonough, Cat Grant, Jo SiMalaya Alcampo,James Fowler, Jade Elektra, Lorenzo Pagnotta, Donnaramma, Doug Kerr, Malaki Kerr-Went, Michael Went, Sofonda Cox
We went on a search to find a diverse group of writers that would be able to speak to the whole community. We have come up with an excellent group that not only reflects our community but also is diverse enough to appeal to all of our readers. In our group we have: Kendall Partington, Donnarama, Brandon Michael Lee, Cheryl Costello, Boyd Kodak, Kyle Killam, Cat Grant, Owen Sheppard, Paul Bellini, and Josh Bentley-Swan
We will be out in the community to cover everything related to LGBTQ arts, entertainment, and events. theBUZZ will integrate all forms of media (print magazine, website, social media, app, BUZZ TV) to bring you the latest news. We are excited to be able to showcase everyone in our talented community including: gay, lesbian, trans, bi, queer, mature, young, different cultural backgrounds, etc. We want to be the positive voice of having fun in our community and celebrate everyone.
theBUZZ has also formed some great partnerships. We were so happy to have formed partnerships with: Singing Out, Addiction Apparel, and Pump Tuesdays at Zippers, (Presented by Relentless Entertainment and theBUZZ).
We are also happy to partner with some WorldPride events including: Chic Productions, One World parties and Gay Toronto Clubs and Events party, Follow the Rainbow.
We are kicking off just in time for WorldPride and could not be more excited! We will feature some of the best events taking place during this time, and for years to come. Stay tuned for some of the best and most diverse coverage in the LGBTQ community.
Onward we go!
About the Author
theBUZZ Features is written by theBUZZ editorial staff. Check back often for news on the latest LGBTQ arts, entertainment, and events.
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