theBUZZ Features

Toronto Leather Pride
This week kicks off Toronto Leather Pride! The leather community, and those who just want to enjoy a good party, will be holding a series of events this week to celebrate this sexy and diverse community.
INspired Media (publisher of theBUZZ, PinkPlayMags, and The Pink Pages Directory) is a proud Media Sponsor of Toronto Leather Pride, and the designer/producer of the festival’s Official Guide.
Here is a list of events for this weekend:
Friday, August 08, 2014
TLP Registration and Ticket Sales
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at SAILOR (465 Church Street- on the veranda)
MAIN EVENT: The Toronto Leather Pride VIP Reception
7:00 PM @ SAILOR (465 Church Street)
Bootblacking services available.
Included in the VIP Pass
This event is for TLP 2014 VIP Pass Holders only.
MAIN EVENT: Meet the Contestants
8:30 PM @ Woody’s (467 Church Street)
Meet our contestants and judges for the MLT and the MsLT 2015 Competitions!
TLP 2014 VIP Pass Holders enjoy front of the line entry.
Open to everyone.
Full Fetish Party @ The Black Eagle.
11:00 PM @ The Black Eagle Toronto (457 Church Street), Home of HOTF/TLP
Come Join Toronto’s Fetish Community as we celebrate of Toronto Leather Pride at our home bar! Rev up your Friday night with the hottest cruise party at Toronto’s legendary Black Eagle and hook up with some of the hottest folk into Leather, Rubber, Boots and Jocks.
Your hosts for the evening will be Farrell Collier – MLT 2014, Andrew Coatham – MIR/MRT 2014, Patty – MsLT/IMsL 2014 and Pup Sprocket – Toronto Puppy 2014.
Open to everyone. TLP 2014 VIP Pass Holders enjoy front of the line entry.
Saturday, August 09, 2014
The TLP Welcome Centre Opens
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM at The 519 Church Street Community Centre (519 Church Street)
TLP Educational Series
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at The 519 Church Street Community Centre (519 Church Street)
Informative workshops with acclaimed presenters.
Individual seminar tickets $10, available at the TLP Welcome Centre (Lobby of The 519). Seminars included with the TLP 2014 VIP Week pass. Buy the TLP 2014 VIP Pass at any of the TLP Welcome Centres or here online.
MAIN EVENT: Mr. Leatherman Toronto / Ms Leather Toronto 2015 Competitions
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM (Doors and bar open @ 6:30 pm) at the Phoenix Concert Theatre (410 Sherbourne Street)
Toronto’s hottest men compete for the titles of Mr. Leatherman Toronto 2015 and Toronto’s coolest women compete for the title of Ms Leather Toronto 2015.
Come out to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Mr. Leatherman Toronto title.
Hosted by Richard Ryder and Matthew Pavelich, Mr. Leatherman Toronto 2008.
Tickets – $30.00 ($35.00 at the door! – Limited availability) includes the MLT/MsLT 2015 Competitions and Leather Ball 20! Tickets in the TLP 2014 VIP Pass. Purchase your TLP 2014 VIP Week Pass or buy your Contest/Leather Ball 20 ticket individually here on-line with PayPal (No account necessary please see below), or purchase your Leather Ball XX tickets atThe Black Eagle Toronto or at Northbound Leather beginning May 15, 2014. Get your tickets today!
Competitions start at 7:00 PM SHARP!
MAIN EVENT: Leather Ball XX
@ 10:00 PM (Doors open @ 6:30 PM) at the Phoenix Concert Theatre (410 Sherbourne Street)
DJ Neiil MacLeod spinning.
Tickets – $30.00 ($35. at the door! – Limited availability) includes the TLP 2015 Competitions and Leather Ball 20!
Tickets included in the TLP VIP Pass or buy them individually here on-line with PayPal (No account necessary please see below), at The Black Eagle Toronto (457 Church Street), or at Northbound Leather (586 Yonge Street) beginning May 15, 2014. Get your ticket today!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
MAIN EVENT: Victory Leather Brunch
Noon- 2:00 PM @ O’Grady’s (518 Church Street)
IMPORTANT! TLP 2014 VIP Pass Holders please remember to bring your O’Grady’s Brunch Voucher that you will receive in your package from the TLP Welcome Centre! This event is open to TLP 2014 VIP Pass Holders. Very limited seating will be available for other guests. Avoid long wait times and buy your pass today! (See below)
Included in the TLP 2014 VIP Pass Open to Everyone.
The TLP Welcome Centre Opens – In person Leather Pride March Registration
Noon – 2:30 PM @ The 519 Church Street Community Centre (519 Church Street)
MAIN EVENT: Leather Pride March
2:30 PM
Everyone meet at THE 519 COMMUNITY CENTRE / CAWTHRA SQ PARK AREA at 1:30 PM.
No Politics No Bullshit, No Nonsense just old fashion Leather Pride! Come out and show our community solidarity!
This event is open to clubs, organizations, businesses and members of the Leather, Rubber, Kink and Fetish community.
Please link here to Register. Registered Today!
BBQ/Cigar Party @ The Black Eagle
3:00 PM – 9:00 PM @ The Black Eagle Toronto (457 Church Street) Home of HOTF/TLP
Sit back relax and enjoy a good burger and cigar after a fun, exciting and memorable weekend.
Open to everyone. TLP 2014 VIP Pass Holders enjoy front of the line entry.
The only way to finish off the Toronto Leather Pride Week.
Retro Drama Dance Party
10:00 PM – Close @ Zipperz/Cellblock (72 Carlton Street) DJ Alain kicks us off at 10pm with all the Best of the 70′s, 80′s, and 90′s.
Please link here to be directed to the Heart of the Flag Federation Inc. (HOTF) website to purchase your TLP 2014 VIP Pass or individual Contest/Leather Ball 20 tickets online with PayPal (No account needed.) HOTF is the not-for-profit organization that produces the main event attractions during the Toronto Leather Pride week.
Enjoy your weekend! And if you don’t own enough leather for all this you could always visit theBUZZ’s friends at Northbound Leather.
About the Author
theBUZZ Features is written by theBUZZ editorial staff. Check back often for news on the latest LGBTQ arts, entertainment, and events.
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