theBUZZ Features
Deb Pearce Speaks at West Hill United Church
West Hill United Church located at 62 Orchard Park Blvd is a progressive community dedicated to societal change with the goal of an inclusive world for everyone no matter their sexual orientation.
They are excited to be hosting community gal and public speaker extraordinary Deb Pearce as keynote speaker at the church’s fifth anniversary of becoming an affirming ministry on December 7th at 10:30 a.m.
theBUZZ: It’s really wonderful you are doing this Deb, why did you decide to accept the invitation to speak at this event?
Deb: I am passionate about involvement in any community event that promotes the concept the “it gets better”. This marks 4 years since they first celebrated becoming an affirming ministry with the United Church. Previous speakers include Premier Kathleen Wynne, former Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, George Smitherman, and Irene Miller, President of PFLAG Toronto chapter.
theBUZZ: What are you going to be talking about? What are we to expect to hear when attending this event?
Deb: I am going to tell my story, starting from growing up in small town Ontario, to working in media in the community, to being married to a woman and being a mother, and what happened in between all that, with many trials and tribulations, to homophobia, and gay bashing, to job loss due to sexual orientation. I don’t know if a lot pf people know my full story and am very much looking forward to sharing it.
theBUZZ: Is this this your first time speaking on such a topic?
Deb: I have done symposiums and panels about bullying at Brock University but I never realized just how much I have endured and triumphed as a lesbian, and human being. I don’t think you can be a feisty lesbian like me (laughs) if you haven’t walked the walk and experienced all that I have.
theBUZZ: Thank you for your time Deb, and we look forward to attending and hearing all that you have to say.
Photo by: Cat Grant
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theBUZZ Features is written by theBUZZ editorial staff. Check back often for news on the latest LGBTQ arts, entertainment, and events.