
Drag ON! – Live with Miss Conception
Miss Conception, or Miss C to those who know and love her, is one of Toronto’s better known drag artists and specializes in performing live vocals with costumes which are apropos and imaginative. As the drag-a-thon which will be “Drag ON!” approaches on Saturday, June 27 from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at Yonge-Dundas Square, we threw a few questions at Miss C which we thought might expose some of what’s behind those costumes, and the make up!
What is your best/favourite Pride memory?
In 1998 when I was 18 and not yet out of the closet, my friend Ryan Hinds and I were watching the Parade when The LGBT Youth group passed. He said, “Oh, I know some of those people, let’s jump into the parade with them.” First I was so scared because I thought my parents would see me on TV, but, I said “F**K It,” and jumped in. I walked the parade with a tambourine in my hand and felt so wonderful and free.
Who is your idol or inspiration, and why?
My idol’s are Scarlet Fever (Cameron Rennie), Christopher Peterson and Steve Roseland. Scarlet was the first Queen I saw who was absolutely so beautiful and now is one of my best friends. Christopher Peterson is truly breath taking on stage with her live vocals and impersonations. Steve Roseland helped me break out of my shell to be the live singing cabaret artist I am today. I will always remember these wonderful people for all my life.
What is your best/favourite experience as a performer to date?
My favourite experience as a performer is touring internationally and making all my audiences smile. My goal in life is to make people love my live shows and make them laugh and smile, and so far my plan is going well. LOL
Where do you hope your proficiency as a performer will take you in the future?
I hope to one day be a famous performer known for live shows and working all over the world. Fingers crossed.
What year and song are you representing on stage at Yonge-Dundas Square for the Drag On event?
I am performing Adele from 2010 “Rolling in the deep “.
Miss Conception will be performing Adele’s “Rolling in the deep” from 2010, at Drag ON!, June 27 between 2:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. at Yonge-Dundas Square, part of Pride Toronto.