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New LGBTTQ Documentary – Older Than What?
Filmmaker Sheen Starr is working on her second feature, a short film about the experience of aging in the LGBTTQ community. See below on how you can help support the making of this important documentary.
Older Than What? is a short film about LGBTQ identity and aging. It promises to be a quippy, honest, surprising, bold and heartfelt film about being older and LGBTQ, in the voices of older LGBTQs themselves.
Her first video, Putting the “I” in Trans, was inspired by a typo in a Toronto Star article title “Gay Activism Makes Comeback”. This cheeky short mockumentary was filmed on location at the 2011 Trans Pride March in Toronto, and played the queer film festival circuit with its irreverent, hilarious take on identity politics.
Steen Starr is at it again, but this time with Lulu Wei behind the lens. She wants to give voice and visibility to LGBTQ, or queer, folks who are getting older. As her 89 year old mom said, “Older than what?”.
Starring LGBTTIQ2S folks who are somewhere on the continuum of “older”.
“I sometimes am not noticed in a group or a crowd. Literally, people will not even notice I’m there.” ~Peter”
Older lesbians are so invisible there’s not even a stereotype for us. Older women are either grannies or spinsters who are, by definition, heterosexual.” ~Jane”
I like getting older.” ~Ma-Nee
christina (steen) starr was born in Hanna, Alberta, paving the way for Canada’s rock giants, Nickelback. She pursued a BA (Honours) in English Literature at the University of Alberta, then relocated to Toronto and completed a Masters of English Literature at York University. Starr is an accomplished writer, editor and performer whose primary focus is on issues of social justice, sexuality and sustainable culture; she also works in areas of education, literacy and community arts.
Starr began work as a professional editor at the helm of a national, bilingual, feminist magazine, Women’s Education des femmes. WEdf was shut down in 1996 when federal funding commitments for women’s issues dried up, and a freelance career was launched (see editing). Starr’s work as a researcher/writer/editor has included clients such as UNESCO, the International Council for Adult Education, Regent Park Community Health Centre, West Neighbourhood House, Inside Out LGBT Film Festival, Seaton House Family Health Team, the Toronto Arts Council & Arts Foundation and the Corporation of Yonge-Dundas Square in the City of Toronto.
Starr’s work for theatre has been produced across Canada and in the US to critical acclaim, and off-stage she has numerous publication credits including contributions to the recent Queering the Way (Brindle & Glass Publishing), Who’s Your Daddy? (Sumach Press) and Outspoken: A Canadian Collection of Lesbian Scenes and Monologues (Playwrights Canada Press). For several years she contributed a regular column to Xtra! Magazine on being a gay parent which earned an Honorable Mention for Humour in the 2000 North American Gay and Lesbian Journalism Awards.
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment, and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors, and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats. Reach out - bryen@thebuzzmag.ca