Community Voyeur

Death, Drag And Keeping Our Heroes Alive
Death isn’t exactly a fun topic for a discussion. Who really wants to talk about death at a dinner party and it certainly makes for awkward casual talk. But then what do we do when someone we love passes?
Almost five years ago I lost one of my best friends to Cancer. Dean’s death was a horrific experience for everyone involved however I managed to get through it a stronger person. Seriously stronger. Instead of trying to ‘get over it’, I did the opposite and actively tried bringing Dean back into my life. His gift to the world had always been his sense of freedom. He lived his own life, by his own rules and on his own time. Sure, lots of people say that about their lives but he really was fearless on this front and he influenced a lot of people around him. The process isn’t about being perfect but rather acknowledging what makes someone truly unique and then honouring that within yourself.
I could get all quantum physics here trying to explain how we are all connected but we are literally all connected together. Science has proven the existence of Wormholes and if you don’t know what they are Google them because it’s a game changer. It’s no longer a theory, it’s science which is very reassuring because it means we can never detangle from one another. Therefore, when Dean died I honoured him (and myself) by actively taking on his sense of freedom into my own life. From the celebration of life we had for him to the unapologetic manner in which I live my life today, all came from his passing.
Now I’m doing this with Chris. To remember what she gave me, what she gave the community and to help ensure that her legacy lives on in my body. Chris Edwards always treated me to a huge smile and the way she said hello to me made me feel special and welcome. And that’s how I’m going to greet people going forward. As if each and every person was more special than the last. Thank you Chris.
Celebration of Life at Woody’s was held Wednesday September 14th, 7PM.
Also at Buddies on Thursday September 15th, 7pm –
Thursday, September 15, 2016
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday, September 16, 2016
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Funeral Service
Saturday, September 17, 2016
11:00 a.m.
Rosar-Morrison Funeral Home & Chapel
467 Sherbourne Street
Toronto, Ontario M4X 1K5
(416) 924-1408
Sign Chris’s online guestbook.
“I know she is in a safe place, she is among friends, family and loved ones, she will come to us in our dreams.” –Terri Stevens
“I am traveling home from a great trip. Chris Edwards was supposed to be sitting next to me. We should have been looking at posts about the pageant. We should be talking about talent numbers, gowns and swimsuits.”–Amanda Roberts
“Chris made us all feel special. She always took the time to stop and chat and often offer up her infectious laugh when she shared a story. When I became disAbled and began to use my wheelchair she would jump on and go for a ride with me. I’d often see her on the street and she would stop to look at all the new things on my chair and once said “Girl, what you need is some bling on that thing”. She made me feel like a human being, as seeing her was so often the highpoint of my day. Dance with the Angels sweetheart.”–Snow Manning-Jones
“Fly high my sister and know that my love goes with you, you will never be forgotten and will always be missed.” –Michelle Ross
“Truly a wonderful human being and talented performer who contributed so much to the community! You will not be forgotten.” –Rose Mamarama
Photo (above) of Chris Edwards painted by the Church Street Mural Project.
About the Author
Raymond Helkio is an author, director filmmaker, and graduate of Ontario College of Art & Design. He currently lives in both Toronto and New York. His most recent play, LEDUC, is now available in paperback.
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