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“UnCovered: Queen & Bowie” – Nov 1 to 3, 2016 (Toronto)
It’s the 10th anniversary edition of UnCovered. The annual smash-hit concert re-examines the songbook of a legendary singer/songwriter through a storytelling lens by Canada’s finest musical theatre artists.
This year, UnCovered will re-imagine the iconic pop songs of Queen and David Bowie. On November 1- 3, experience Music Director Reza Jacobs’ wildly imaginative and theatrical arrangements of favourites from the Queen and Bowie music catalogues, as some of Canada’s greatest musical actors from Broadway, Mirvish and the Stratford and Shaw Festivals perform such classics as “Under Pressure,” “Somebody to Love,” “Space Oddity,” “The Show Must Go On” and “Changes.”
“Freddie Mercury and David Bowie each transformed the music landscape with their brilliant songwriting and fierce individuality,” says Mitchel Marcus, Acting Up Stage Company Artistic and Managing Director. “The rich stories in their lyrics coupled with outstanding Canadian artists like Brent Carver, Divine Brown and Sara Farb will make this the most memorable year for UnCovered to date.”
Marcus adds, “And while we planned to feature these artists this fall prior to David Bowie’s passing, it adds another layer of meaning for us to be able to celebrate his extraordinary contributions this year, the best way that we know how.”
UnCovered: Queen & Bowie will be performed by a star-studded line up of Canadian musical theatre luminaries including: Brent Carver (Tony award-winner); Divine Brown (Juno award-winner); Melissa O’Neill (Canadian Idol winner, Les Miserables/Broadway); Sara Farb (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Diary of Anne Frank/Stratford Festival); Andrew Penner (Blood Wedding/Soulpepper); Kelly Holiff (Anne of Green Gables/Charlottetown Festival); and Robert Markus (Tommy/Stratford Festival). Jamie Drake, Justin Gray, Bryan Holt, Andréa Tyniec, with Reza Jacobs comprise the orchestra.
“The annual UnCovered concert is an incredible opportunity to collaborate with top Canadian talent including Mitchell Marcus and a cast of elite musical storytellers and musicians,” says Reza Jacobs, UnCovered Musical Director. “Exploring the characters, narratives and melodies embedded in familiar pop songs continues to be a challenging and fulfilling artistic experience.”
The 2016 UnCovered ensemble is joined on stage this November by the 2016 Syd & Shirley Banks Prize winners Jahlen Barnes and Arinea Hermans. The Syd & Shirley Banks Prize for Emerging Musical Theatre Artists generously provides two musical theatre artists the opportunity to advance their careers through financial assistance, mentorship, increased exposure and a role in the UnCovered: Queen & Bowie concerts.
Presented by Acting Up Stage Company
Watch the Trailer
UnCovered: Queen and Bowie, November 1 – 3 @ 8 p.m. – Tickets $35 + up, 416-408-0208
Koerner Hall, TELUS Centre for Performance & Learning, 273 Bloor St. West.
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment, and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors, and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats. Reach out - bryen@thebuzzmag.ca