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Baby Steps – A Taiwanese-American Gay Dramedy
Danny, a Taiwanese-American man, longs to have a baby with his American boyfriend Tate, but their attempts at international surrogacy are complicated by Danny’s meddling mom, who wants to control every aspect of the process — all the way from Taipei. From the Oscar-winning producer of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Taiwanese-American LGBT film BABY STEPS will release on DVD, Blu-ray & VOD in the U.S. and Canada on August 15th via Gravitas Ventures.
Two Gay Dads. One Meddling Tiger Mom. What Could Go Wrong?
This engaging Taiwanese-U.S. dramedy is an homage to Ang Lee’s cross-cultural classic The Wedding Banquet, including an Asian-Caucasian gay couple, the meddlesome mother and the never-ending quest for a grandchild. But this time around, director Barney Cheng (who also co-stars and writes) tells the story largely from the perspective of the mother (Taiwan actress Grace Guei, who was in The Wedding Banquet and is widely considered the Meryl Streep of Asia) and adds a modern spin: surrogacy. It’s an adventure that takes mother and son all over the world, including Taipei, Bangkok, Mumbai and Los Angeles. It’s a touching coming-out story – not only of a gay man, but also a mother struggling to be part of her son’s life.
After a successful festival run, BABY STEPS opened theatrically throughout Asia, and caused social waves. In Taiwan, the film opened on Mother’s Day 2015, and was part of a national discussion on LGBT rights that helped propel Taiwan to legalize same-sex marriage in May 2017. Of worldwide significance, the U.S. State Department has hosted U.S. embassy screenings of BABY STEPS throughout Asia, including China, Mongolia, and Myanmar – to share the American value of LGBT equality around the globe.
The film is an important and heartwarming global story for everyone to enjoy. Said filmmaker Cheng, “I made Baby Steps to bring people together through empathy and shared experiences, and as an example of how entertainment and diversity inclusion can intersect in a positive, meaningful way.
BABY STEPS was written, directed, and stars Taiwanese-American actor Barney Cheng (Woody Allen’s Hollywood Ending) in his feature directing debut, and also stars veteran Taiwanese actress Grace Guei and Michael Adam Hamilton. The film was produced by Oscar-winning producer Li-Kong Hsu (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), and Stephen Israel (Swimming With Sharks, G.B.F.).
BABY STEPS will be released in the U.S. and Canada via Gravitas Ventures on August 15th on DVD, Blu-ray & VOD and across digital platforms including iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.
Releasing 8/15 on DVD, Blu-ray & VOD in the U.S. & Canada
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment, and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors, and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats. Reach out - bryen@thebuzzmag.ca
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