Based on the award-winning graphic novels, adapted by acclaimed newcomer Charlie Covell, the eight part, half hour series follows James (Alex Lawther, Black Mirror) and Alyssa (Jessica Barden, Penny Dreadful) – a budding teen psychopath and a foul-mouthed rebel fed-up with her boring life. The two embark on a roadtrip to find a better life, and escape the impending doom of adulthood. As their chaotic journey unfolds, it becomes apparent that James and Alyssa have crossed a line and have no choice but to take it as far as they can…The End of the F***ing World.

Wow, what a great series. The plot twists and turns are often unexpected, right up until the ending. It’s definitely a doable one-sitting binge watch with only eight episodes at approximately 22 minutes each. It makes one wonder why it couldn’t just have been presented as a feature film.

The story has been told more than once, and it’s one many teens can relate to – feeling lost in life, distanced from parents or other older role models, and taking the road of despair looking for escape and excitement. James and Alyssa meet at school, decide they don’t like each other, but don’t have anyone else in their lives so they decide to bond and take a road trip. James has constant thoughts of killing someone, including Alyssa, and eventually does, thought not exactly as planned. This is the beginning of their road trip gone wrong.

A strong script keeps viewers wanting to know – what next? The story often goes back in time (identified with noted text headings) to explain how these two otherwise “normal” teenagers set off on their personal path of destruction. Detectives eventually become involved, more crime sprees pursue, and before  you know it the pair are wanted fugitives on the run. The parents are “at a loss” as to what made their children act so out of the ordinary, yet it only takes a look at themselves to easily figure out the answer to this. There’s quite a bit of comedic humour throughout the series as well, despite some graphic content. In particular the tension between the two female detectives is almost a story within itself.

This one is definitely a not-to-miss series to get your 2018 off to a f***ing great start. It also features a kick-ass soundtrack of mostly 60s and 70s tunes, adding to the ‘coming-of-age’ teen-angst dramedy – removing the cliche BS to reveal a nuanced and unexpected love story. 

Now playing on Netflix



About the Author

Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment, and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors, and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats. Reach out -