The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is an imaginative universe with eventful plots, unique characters, and spellbinding magic. When the Hollywood film adaptations rolled out from 2001 – 2011, the series separated the seventh and final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, into two films, although that probably relates to Warner Bros. Studios’ plan to make a profit than it does being too long to fit into one movie. Either way, there’s a lot to cover in these books. Each novel is laced with whimsical suspense and heartfelt climaxes, and author J.K Rowling has been universally praised for her masterful creativity. Harry Potter is now embedded in the fantasy genre, from themed restaurants and amusement parks to fan-fiction and plays.

This play in particular, “Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience – A Parody by Dan and Jeff” just opened at the CAA Theatre in Toronto for the fourth time!  Actors Jo and Scott (Joseph Maudsley and Scott Hoatson) take centre stage this time around, and the pair takes on the ultimate challenge of condensing all seven Harry Potter books (and a real-life game of Quidditch) into 70 hilarious minutes. They do a fantastically hilarious job of it! Written and created by two-time Olivier Award-nominated actors Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner, the show is fun for the whole family, tweaked with delightful tidbits of improv and relatable one-liners for an Ontarian audience (the Doug Ford joke is a knee-slapper).

From the get-go, Jo and Scott have great chemistry. They play off one another brilliantly, capturing and holding the audience’s attention throughout the entire show, acting with their bodies as well as their words, and using every last square inch of the legendary Toronto stage. The show is also very visual, boasting a special appearance from a fire-breathing dragon, endless and frenzied costume changes, creative songs, ridiculous props, and a slapstick serving of Hogwarts magic!

“Potted Potter” won the prestigious Olivier Award nomination for Best Entertainment & Family Show in 2012 and has played sold-out shows worldwide. Toronto has been no exception. Now at the CAA Theatre on Yonge Street, “Potted Potter” is running for a limited time only, and who knows when the Hogwarts Express will pull into this city again? If you’re a Harry Potter fan or know someone who is, “Potted Potter” will leave you tickled. It’s a two-man, 70-minute magic carpet ride full of pop culture references, over-the-top physical comedy, and genuine family fun! As Harry Potter’s owl Hedwig might say, it’s a HOOT!

Don’t miss out! Catch “Potted Potter” starring Joseph Maudsley and Scott Hoatson at the CAA Theatre, Tuesdays to Sundays from June 13 to July 8, 2018.

Click here for showtimes and tickets.
Limited tickets also available on Groupon.


About the Author

Joey Viola is the Co-Founder of MoJo Toronto and an LGBTQ community leader who utilizes his passion and flair for the art of writing by bringing a fresh perspective in reviewing entertainment and advocating for equality, tolerance, and social/political justice.