The Drinking Critic

Lets all get warm and fuzzy with FLEECE
The music by FLEECE is one that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, which is great. It is the kind of music you would listen to while enjoying a good meal and good company. I find their videos are like a step back in time when Freddy Mercury would create controversy to provoke conversations about gender roles, like in the video “I want To Break Free”.
They have released some great songs like “Love Song For The Haters,” and most recently “Do You Mind”. I had the opportunity to chat with Matt from FLEECE on, where we discussed their career and the role of social media to share their music.
Matt what is your latest song about?
“Our latest song “Do You Mind” is like having the one-night hook up, but you are really looking for that romance we all crave. It is something everyone can relate to, as we all want to be wanted.”
How do you describe your music?
“It is gay rock music. That is the easiest way to describe it. It has a bit of Queen in there. Its like psychedelic rock and I think people are getting it.”
FLEECE currently has of 74K subscribers on YouTube, not to mention all the other social media outlets they use.It’s clear that FLEECE is worth a listen and follow so you don’t miss out. Grab a glass of wine and check them out here.
About the Author
Geri Atrick is co-host of Not So Str8 Talk, a show that focuses on marginalized & 2SLGBTQ+. Geri also organizes national events around music and the arts, is deeply passionate and active in politics, and is an advocate on many social justice issues. Giver her a little wine and you will never know what she will say. Check out the show at