theBUZZ Features
The Balcony presents five queer shorts in under an hour – March 7, 2021
The Balcony is a virtual venue where playwrights can have their plays read, workshopped and performed. Actors and directors can dive into pieces and work their craft. Theater-makers can collaborate and continue creating relationships during the global pause. It was started by NYC-based artists and their colleagues across the world. They’ve featured work from: Kenya, Italy, US, Mexico, Zimbabwe, and Uganda.
On March 7, 2021 The Balcony presents the Queerly Canadian edition of their monthly festival of short plays and creative works. Designed specifically for a live streaming audience, artists in the festival are challenged to create works that are under ten minutes in length and capture the “liveness” of the in-person experience.
Join Instagram Live for the next festival on March 7, 2021 at 4 PM sharp! Cast and crew include; David Bateman, Paul Bellini, Philip Cairns, Keith Cole, Andrew Fedosov, Trish Fonberg, Raymond Helkio, Brock Hessell, and Amy J. Lester.
“Ally” Cookie Monster
Written and performed by Brock Hessell
Anti-racist behaviour is the etiquette of basic humanity, not a cause for congratulations or acclaim. In this thoughtful and humorous monologue “Ally” Cookie Monster becomes a metaphor for white privilege and explores what it really takes to be an ally.
Today Is The Day After Yesterday
Written by and performed by Raymond Helkio, featuring Keith Cole, Paul Bellini and David Bateman. Dramaturgy by Andrew Fedosov, music and sound by Stewart Borden.
What would you do if one day you wake up to find yourself locked in a psychiatric ward? Would you try and escape? Or stay and drink the Kool-Aid?
You’re bothered? I’m Bothered.
Written and performed by Amy J Lester, Voiceover provided by Kym Trumper.
It’s a week before Christmas and you find a note with some chocolate sitting on your doorstep. Ooh, a thoughtful gift from a neighbour, you might think to yourself. Well, think again. Turns out the thing you love the most is a REAL bother.
Tampax Tale
Written by David Bateman, Dramaturgy by Linda Kash.
From the series ‘Fried,’ a collection of familial poems, ‘Tampax Tale,’ written and performed by David Bateman, is a reminiscence about his mother’s little missive – a secret folded note she trusted him with, and told him not to look at when he was a child, and how that note became a significant signifier within his queer identity, igniting his interest in Greek tragedy, men’s torsos, and women’s breasts.
Marsha and Sharpie
Written by Philip Carins.
A reading of short play by Philip Cairns, author of the award-winning “Diamonds on Plastic”, Hamilton Fringe Festival.
THE BALCONY – March 7, 2021 at 4 PM to 5 PM. This event is free.
International Curator, Silvia Morigi
Canadian Curator, Raymond Helkio
If you’d like a reminder and link sent to you just before the event, click here. Be sure to follow The Balcony on YouTube as well.
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.