Ed The Sock wants you to join the NewMusicNation
Hello Pigeons!
There was a TV host named Ed The Sock who became a huge hit in the mid 1990s. Ed The Sock interviewed many celebrities, was seen at many award shows, and even had their own talk show at one point on late night TV. They were saying things that many were thinking, they promoted new artists and worked towards sharing music on a national platform called MuchMusic, which is now called Much.
Over the years, many things have changed. If you recall, we talked about Diversity in Media in a previous post. It has become exceedingly difficult for many independent artists to get their music on big platforms, as many large media outlets have a cookie cutter approach. People who love music like you and I, miss out on many talented artists.
Today, Much plays a lot of reruns of South Park and Simpsons without very much music anymore. Times have changed Pigeons, and not always for the good. But there is hope!
Ed The Sock has embarked on a journey to start a video music station called NewMusicNation. It will give the opportunity for new artists to share their talents on a large social media platform. It will be an online multi-platform interactive channel with the energy of classic Muchmusic, featuring new VJs from across the country and a focus on unsigned and independent Canadian musical artists. In addition to new cross-Canada VJs, ordinary Canadians can become Citizen VJs and present their chosen video music favourites. And yes, there will be a Tree Toss and Fromage show.
During a recent interview with Ed The Sock on Str8 Talk, we talked about the changes that have taken place over the years, and it seems that many media outlets like Bell Media have lost their way when it comes to creating platforms for artists. It is also no secret that companies like Bell Media and Rogers have been laying off the majority of their staff to increase their profits instead of creating opportunities for artists to share their work.
Ed The Sock, made a very valid statement,
“If you are an egg farmer and you get rid of half your chickens, you will definitely save money on things like chicken feed, but you will lose production. That is what big media is doing.”
Ed The Sock is crowdfunding on Indiegogo to raise funds to start a new video music station which is exactly what many of us are looking for. They have offered some cool rewards for your donations, so it’s definitely worth checking out. Plus, you get to help create a platform for new artists to share their music when no one else will anymore, unless they fit the cookie cutter of big media.
There you have it Pigeon. Like I have told you many times, you can make a difference and make things better for everyone. All you have to do is take a step forward and raise your voice, because you have a voice. If you cannot afford to donate right now, that ‘s okay. You can still share the campaign, share this article, and help create the opportunity for others to help too.
If you weren’t around for the original Ed The Sock antics, you can catch up on his Facebook Page where he’s be doing live sessions, and click on the video below for more on NewMusicNation.
My advice for you is to Fly like an eagle, soar like a hawk, and crap like a Pigeon on those that stand in your way.
Geri Atrick
About the Author
Geri Atrick is co-host of Not So Str8 Talk, a show that focuses on marginalized & 2SLGBTQ+. Geri also organizes national events around music and the arts, is deeply passionate and active in politics, and is an advocate on many social justice issues. Giver her a little wine and you will never know what she will say. Check out the show at