theBUZZ Features

Crappy Mother’s Day – dysfunctional tale of a three-generational family
Crappy Mother’s Day is about three generations of women attempt to celebrate Mother’s Day, but things go sour from the start. We discover quickly that things are not quite right with this family. There is an unsuspecting daughter, a carefree mother, a domineering grandmother, whacky middle-aged uncles, and a grandpa who is buried in the back yard. The celebration ends quickly when a shocking secret that was kept from everyone for years is now revealed. But, there is a happy ending to it all!
This one was definitely a surprise. Within the first few minutes, the one liners were flying, and the characters just kept on coming. Not only is this a three-generational Mother’s Day tale, it seems the entire extended family, and then some, become part of this feature. What begins a casual cafe chat about wedding plans between Sarah and James, suddenly takes a turn for the weird when Sarah’s mother Totie (Theresa) appears at the cafe,with her rockstar wannabe boyfriend Dimpy. They are both wearing Killers t-shirts from the concert they went to the night before, and Totie is very obviously expectant. Quite the surprise for Sarah who hasn’t seen her in years, and more for James who was told by Sarah that her mother was dead.
Totie invites Sarah and James to her mothers , Sarah’s grandmother, for Mother’s Day, and this is when the real hijinx kick in. This is pure slapstick humour, with a lot of grade school type jokes. Don’t expect anything deep or meaningful out of this, but do expect to LOL several times throughout. The grandmother is as rough around the edges as the mother, and the two uncles are as juvenile as can be, first appearing in superhero outfits. The grandmother’s sister, and her husband appear a few times as well, as does the ex, with his much younger beau in tow. While out in the backyard paying respect to grandpa/husband/dad, grandma makes a comment about her pregnant daughter that suddenly brings the festivities to a sudden climax.
Be sure to catch this one, and again, expect a few laughs to happen.
Kristen Krak, Addison Anderson, Jackie Debatin, Bill Rutkoski, Vivien Landau, John Rutkoski, Mike Rutkoski, Marie Lenzi, Louis Mustillo, Billy Garan, Alexa Rae, Ruya Koman, and Ayala Feinstein star in a film by Dan Karlok.
Director Dan Karlok is known for his work on Law & Order (1990), and Asleep at the Wheel: The Making of ‘Ride with Bob’ (1999). Written by Bill Rutkoski, an actor and producer, known for Fred & Vinnie (2011), Arrested Development (2003) and The Last Request (2006).
Crappy Mother’s Day is available On Demand from Uncork’d Entertainment.
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.