theBUZZ Features
Down in Paris – nocturnal discovery of sexy desires and innermost fears
Down In Paris follows Richard Barlow, a filmmaker, who, after experiencing an unexplained anxiety attack on the set of his latest film, wanders in to the Parisian night looking for answers, comfort and inspiration. As encounters with strange characters and a series of sexy and thought-provoking events ensue, Richard is forced to finally confront his innermost fears and desires.
When Richard walks off set, he does so believing he will neverreturn. Through the long night, he questions the value of hiswork, its relevance and whether to continue or not. Does he stillhave the vocation?During his nocturnal wanderings, Richard explores boththe human condition and his artist’s vocation. His existentialcrisis manifests itself in the connection he makes with the peoplehe meets : a lone English tourist, a medium, a long lost friend,a child in pyjamas and others…His chance encounters mirror and reveal different facetsof himself ; intense doubt, certainty, solitude, whether they arealter egos or secret guides, they lead him to his inner self.His mission is greater than he is : an artist is essentially sacred,but with whom can he discuss this ?Condensed into the space of a single night, his wanderings bringevery emotion into sharp relief. Richard’s experiences are intenseand personal, a brief episode suspended between the previousday and the day yet to come. A time warp intended for him alone.Paris is at his feet ! Richard moves through it, encountering itsobstacles, falling, picking himself up and, through all thathe experiences, discovering who he really is.In the space of a night, a lifetime, a film.
Available March 22, 2022 from TLA Releasing.
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.