theBUZZ Features
Canadian Trans Latina Viviana Santibanez crowned Marchioness Global at Miss Trans Global competition
Viviana Santibanez is a Trans Latina woman and Latinxs LGBTQ immigrant advocate who was crowned as Marchioness Global 2021 in the Miss Trans Global international competition. Santibanez was adjudged as the winner among 16 other contestants.
This is the first time that a Trans woman brings an international trans pageant title to Canada. This pageant is unique, as it is a virtual pageant with the main objective to empower and inspire trans individuals from around the world. Miss Trans Global is an international digital pageant for trans & gender nonconforming people from all backgrounds created by transgender beauty queens and activists to raise awareness about the plight of transgender people worldwide.
What makes this more special is that Viviana is a refugee who recently moved to Canada, who is also a pro-health and LGBTQI immigrant activist working with marginalized communities for over 12 years. Viviana Moved to Canada in 2018, and three weeks after she was voted to lead a volunteer based organization Latinos Positivo in Toronto. Since then, Viviana has sat on different committees around the city, such as Ontario AIDS Network, Canada Trans Summit, and Ontario HIV Treatment Network to mention a few.
Viviana has studies in Health, digital communication, cosmetology, and recently she graduated as an Immigration consultant. She also manages a private group to support new immigrant Latinos, where she connects them with services and programs for better and proper integration into Canadian society.
Now, as Marchioness Global, Viviana wants to amplify the work that she has been doing, and reach more people that can benefit from the resources and networks that she has been putting together by collaborating with many other organizations in North America.
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.