theBUZZ Features

European Union Film Festival returns with a hybrid in-person/online program from 27 countries – Nov 17 to Dec 2, 2022 (Toronto)
The European Union Film Festival returns to Toronto with in-person audiences from November 17th to December 2nd, 2022, and will also continue to offer an online festival until December 10th, by releasing one film per day for viewing online. Each film will be available for a period of two days and accessible across Canada.
The Festival showcases a blend of cultural themes mixed with current social realities, while also delving into history. Discover 27 films from 27 countries, including a special presentation of the Ukrainian movie KLONDIKE. Audiences will then continue to travel across the continent, exploring Finland’s magical landscapes with KARAOKE PARADISE, immerse themselves in Antarctica in Slovakia’s spellbinding WHITE ON WHITE, and soak some sun in Malta’s CARMEN. There will be a mosaic of genres to choose from, including Luxembourg’s horror title SKIN WALKER, Belgium’s offbeat arthouse dramedy PATRICK, and Slovenia’s bitterly humourous THE ORCHESTRA. As well, other topics include humanity and self-discovery, with the Baltic entries A BUTTERFLY’S HEART, ON THE WATER, THE PIT and the Polish I NEVER CRY.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend four Director Q&As and a panel discussion on immigration.
All screenings will take place at a new venue this year, Spadina Theatre – Alliance Française (24 Spadina Road). In-person or online, the spirit of the festival remains unchanged: to offer a wide array of diverse films and authentic stories to be discovered.
Discover the full lineup and start planning your Festival by clicking here.
As always, general admission is FREE although there are a limited number of tickets available for purchase at $10 for those who want to save a seat and avoid the rush line.
@EUFFTO (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.