theBUZZ Features

Heritage Toronto Pride Month Queer-Themed Walking Tours – June 10/11. 2023
Pride Month is upon us and Heritage Toronto are offering two LGBTQ+ themed walking tours to provide both locals and visitors an opportunity to get a better understanding of the queer history of Toronto.
It Takes A Village – June 10, 2023
Discover the stories of Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ community — from advocacy fuelled by the Bathhouse Raids and the AIDS epidemic, to the belonging and celebration found at the City Park Apartments, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre and St. Charles Tavern. Learn about efforts to strengthen the Church-Wellesley Village today and build the community for the future
June 10, 2023 3:00 pm-4:30 pm
Start Point – Barbara Hall Park (519 Church Street)
End Point – City Park Co-Operative Apartments (51 Alexander Street)
$9.85 ($8 ticket + $1.85 Eventbrite transaction fee); pre-registration required
Rebels on Stage & Off Script – June 11, 2023
Share the spotlight with the characters and locations that helped transform Toronto’s theatre scene from the 1950s to 1980s. Tales include how a show ran amok when Toronto’s morality squad took issue with a play about a pig, and how the Bohemian Embassy hosted Canada’s first and not-so-dignified “happening.”
June 11, 2023 3:00 pm-4:30 pm
Start Point – 339 Huron Street
End Point – Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
$9.85 ($8 ticket + $1.85 Eventbrite transaction fee); pre-registration required
About the Author
Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.