I Don’t Even Miss You tells the story of non-binary computer programmer Basil (they/them), who wakes one morning to discover everyone else on Earth has disappeared. They spend the next three years wandering an eerily quiet world searching for loved ones, building a virtual assistant (Orchid), and rehearsing a 90s-inspired “musical” about their life.

After months of waiting, today’s the premiere, but not everything goes as planned. Using live music, dance, and video, I Don’t Even Miss You is a bold exploration of resilience, artificial intelligence, love, and legacy that asks how gender, identity, and family can exist with no one to perceive them.

I Don’t Even Miss You – Oct 31 to Nov 10, 2024 – Factory Theatre – 125 Bathurst St, Toronto – Tickets

Produced by Tiny Bear Jaws. Written and performed by Elena Belyea, winner of the 2023 Betty Award for Outstanding Lead Performance in a Musical, and directed by Emma Tibaldo, this dystopian pop “solo” show features music by Tori Morrison. This production is the second stop in Tiny Bear Jaws’ national tour and forms part of the Cross Currents Canada Series, made possible by the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Dynamic Caption Design for Accessibility:

This show includes a dynamic caption design developed by video designer Tori Morrison in collaboration with Deaf artist and consultant Connor Yuzwenko-Martin. The goal of these captions is to integrate them artistically with the show’s action while making the production more accessible to Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and/or neurodivergent audience members, as well as anyone who benefits from the use of captions. The development of these captions reflects Tiny Bear Jaws’ commitment to accessibility and inclusivity in live performance.

Tiny Bear Jaws:

Founded in 2015, Tiny Bear Jaws is an agile, femme, and queer-run cross-Canadian theatre company managed by Elena Belyea (Artistic Director) and Tori Morrison (Executive Director and Artistic Producer). Tiny Bear Jaws is dedicated to producing innovative, provocative, and engaging new works, with a commitment to exploring the creative possibilities unique to live performance. Known for creating transgressive theatre in both content and form, the company’s past shows include Miss Katelyn’s Grade Threes Prepare for the Inevitable, Everyone We Know Will Be There: A House Party in One Act, Cleave, The Worst Thing I Could Be (Is Happy), I Don’t Even Miss You, and This Won’t Hurt, I Promise. Currently in development: Apology Show.

About Factory Theatre:

Founded in 1970, Factory was the first theatre company in the nation to devote itself to producing 100% Canadian content. Over 50 years later, Factory continues to lead in the development and sharing of Canadian stories having produced more than 300 productions from a diverse source of Canadian playwrights and launching the careers of countless theatre professionals.

    About the Author

    Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist with a focus on travel, lifestyle, entertainment and hospitality. He has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He enjoys discovering delicious eats, tasting spirited treats, and being mesmerized by musical beats.